Employ Our Veterans!

4/19/2023 4:21:30 PM

Orion Talent was honored to send Laura Schmiegel, Senior Vice President, Strategic Partnerships, to April’s Employing U.S. Vets Conference in New York to discuss best practices and challenges to veteran employment.

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Reflections on Virtual Leadership

4/13/2023 4:45:46 PM

For many of us, we have no other option. Remote is our reality. We must figure this out. Because the economy keeps waffling, Tax Day keeps coming, and our employees are the ones who will carry the bulk of the load. So how do we lead them?

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How to Translate Your Military to Civilian Resume

4/11/2023 10:13:09 AM

Today’s blog post is by Jericho Urmenita, an Orion Talent Recruiter, USMC Veteran, and USNA graduate. In today’s post, Jericho outlines the best practices for translating your military to civilian resume.

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#PeoplewithPurpose Recap- Staying Curious: Continuous Advancement with Mammotome

4/6/2023 11:23:26 AM

#PeoplewithPurpose Podcast host Steve Amsden sits down with Ben Sandefur, VP of Marketing & Business Development, Suzanne Smith, VP of Sales, and Ed Aguilar, Senior Director of Strategic Accounts & Latin America, to discuss Mammotome’s culture of continuous advancement and innovation through talent and team development, career pathing, and a focus on diverse talent, including veterans.

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Best Jobs After the Air Force

4/4/2023 3:17:42 PM

Whether you’re considering exiting the Air Force years from now or you are in the midst of that transition now, you may be wondering what jobs best suit a candidate with your experience. Read on to learn more about a few career paths to consider after the Air Force.

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How to Succeed at EV Recruitment: Finding & Retaining Great Workers for EV Battery Manufacturing

3/30/2023 9:21:49 AM

In the world of EV battery manufacturing, talent is scarce and the landscape is competitive. Here’s how to stand out and attract – and retain – the very best talent.

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The Ultimate Guide on Informational Interviews: How to Boost Your Career

3/28/2023 11:10:10 AM

If you are transitioning from the military soon and looking for a civilian career, informational interviews are a great way to research a new career path.

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#PeoplewithPurpose Episode 10: How Belonging at Carrier Helps Diverse Talent Thrive

3/23/2023 10:08:11 AM

Carrier’s Diversity & Inclusion Brand _belong™ certainly catches the eye—The underscore in front of belong represents a blank space where anyone and everyone fits in. The goal is to make every Carrier employee feel like they belong: I belong. We belong. You belong.

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Best Jobs After the Army: 10 Great Career Options for Army Vets

3/21/2023 12:53:36 PM

Every year, roughly 62,000 Active Duty Soldiers transition out of the Army. The transition from the military to civilian life is a very important step.

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HR Table Talk Recap: Getting the Work Done- The Benefits of a Fluid Workforce

3/16/2023 10:37:11 AM

With the talent landscape rapidly changing, is your organization positioned to employ a fluid workforce that enables business leaders to move talent when and where it’s needed?

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