Recruiting Daily Features an Article by Orion Talent CEO on the Hurricane Hiring Surge


The 2017 hurricane season doesn’t end until November 30, and yet, without even accounting for Hurricane Maria, we are already facing an economic impact estimated at $290 billion dollars from Harvey and Irma.

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Mike Starich, CEO of Orion Talent, shares his outlook on how the rise of AI and recent natural disasters have contributed to a looming manufacturing labor shortage with IndustryWeek.


Orion Talent CEO Mike Starich works with companies like GE Energy Connections, Honda Motors, Siemens and Aggreko to fill up positions with hard-to-find skilled workers. Since the company’s launch in 1991 as a provider of military hiring solutions, matching 40,000+ veterans with more than 7,500 employers, it has expanded its service offerings and candidate pool – especially with the acquisition of RPO firm Novotus (now Orion Novotus) last year.

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Orion CEO on how to Deal with Supply Chain Labor Disruption Resulting from the Distribution Center Boom


A few short years ago 1 million square foot distribution centers and same day delivery were exceptional. Not anymore. As consumers transition from traditional brick & mortar shopping to faster home delivery, Amazon is rapidly building, buying and renting spaces of all sizes to facilitate DCs closer to the consumer.

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Cory Kruse, President of Orion Novotus, comments on the need for Wepow's RPO program and how it accelerates Talent Acquisition results


Wepow, providing mobile and video interviewing solutions that improve hiring outcomes, today announced the availability of its new recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) partnership program. With the introduction of this program, Wepow is enabling RPOs to provide enhanced candidate communication and interviewing capabilities through Wepow's innovative video interviewing tools and messaging framework.

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Mike Starich, Orion Talent CEO, shares insight into why and how you should hire veterans in Construction Business Owner Magazine


Almost every United States city is witnessing growth in construction—both in commercial and residential building, as well as roads, bridges and other structures. With the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projecting the industry to increase from its current 6.9 million jobs to 7.2 million jobs by 2024—meeting the demand for quality talent is paramount for construction companies.

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Orion Novotus President Cory Kruse Discusses the Future of RPO with The Recruitment Innovation Exchange


Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) is one of the many industry acronyms - and models - that has found staying power over the last ten years. In this conversation with Cory Kruse, president of leading US-based RPO provider, Orion Novotus, he shares insights on the value add of RPO, the shifting dynamics in the RPO model, and expectations on how this offering will continue to evolve in a competitive recruitment landscape.

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HR Dive Provides Insight into Orion Talent's Talent Solutions Survey


A new survey from Orion Talent, Making the Grade: Where Talent Solution Providers Succeed (and Fail), highlights the reasons why some talent solution providers are able to effectively align with client goals, while others fail steadily over 3-6 months. 

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Orion Novotus President Cory Kruse Writes about 4 Mistakes Companies Make Using Data In Recruiting in TLNT


Let’s get this out of the way: Talking about big data is not one of your favorite topics. You’re an HR manager or a TA leader, not a data analyst, right? Many of the managers I meet feel the same way.

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Talent Solution Providers Out of Sync with Client Goals, Receive a D Grade in Alignment, Orion Talent Survey Finds


More than two thirds (70 percent) of companies reveal their business goals are aligned with talent solution providers at the start of engagements but that alignment plummets to a D grade over time, according to a new Orion Talent survey out today, Making the Grade: Where Talent Solution Providers Succeed (and Fail).

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Recruiting Daily Offers Take on Orion Talent's New Talent Solutions Survey


You know this if you have had to do it, but finding the right talent solution — and talent solution provider — can be a huge challenge, one that can give a company a huge headache if it doesn’t go right. That’s why a new survey released today by Orion Talent, titled Making the Grade: Where Talent Solution Providers Succeed (and Fail), is an important one to dig into if your organization is thinking about finding a new talent solution provider anytime soon.

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Orion Talent Featured in Triangle Business Journal


North Carolina has a rich variety of military bases - but what happens when those soldiers need a job?

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Orion International Changes Name to Orion Talent, Expands Service Offerings in HRO Today


Orion International, a provider of skilled talent acquisition, recruitment optimization and military hiring to businesses nationwide, announced today that the company will formally change its name to Orion Talent.

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Orion International is now Orion Talent


As of May 22, 2017, Orion International has become Orion Talent! This change aligns with our commitment to grow our services to meet our clients' ever-expanding talent acquisition needs. We focus all of our energies on delivering great talent and putting great talent to work, and now our name reflects that.

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Orion Talent SVP David Coe discusses how veterans can fill the labor shortage in the aggregate industry with Pit & Quarry


A number of aggregate producers have encountered the shortfall of skilled labor impacting the industry in recent years. Who will fill key positions within aggregate operations in the coming years, and where will the industry turn for talent? The questions are becoming very real for some industry employers.

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The Difference Between Recruiting and Talent Acquisition


For many companies, the terms "Recruiting" and "Talent Acquisition" are used interchangeably. However, the definitions, strategies and outcomes tell a different story. If you aren't getting the hiring results you need, it might be time to reevaluate your approach.

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Dustin Little - Little Move, Big Impact


Following Orion Talent's acquisition of Novotus in January 2016, the two companies have worked closely to leverage each other's strengths to provide a full suite of Orion Talent Solutions™ to a wide variety of industries and companies. This includes utilizing key players' skills to best meet the needs of our valued clients across both organizations.

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