INFOGRAPHIC - Improve Hiring Manager Satisfaction with RPO

Learn what happens when you have unsatisfied hiring managers and the positive impact that Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) can have on client satisfaction.

Are your Hiring Managers unsatisfied or frustrated? If so, did you know it's impacting more than just employee morale? Unsatisfied Hiring Managers can result in lower productivity, less engagement throughout the process, increased work for other team members, and hiring candidates who do not have the necessary skills to succeed.

Check out our new infographic to learn how unsatisfied hiring managers are affecting your business, and learn how RPO through Orion Talent has resulted in an average of 91% Hiring Manager Satisfaction.

Reduce Recruiting Costs With RPO Infographic
(2.6 MB)

Learn more about Orion Talent RPO Solutions or contact us today.

Revolutionize Recruiting Results & Business Benefits

Discover the talent advantages and bottom-line wins of Orion Talent Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO).  Contact us about RPO
For immediate assistance, please call Juste Turner at (512) 395-7757.
If you have questions regarding an RPO Request for Proposal (RFP), please email Gilyn Gibbs.



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