Frequently Asked Interview Questions for Engineering Roles

From the Battlefield to the Boardroom Podcast - Episode 21

Our most popular podcasts have been about interview preparation.

We wanted to dedicate a similar show to focus on frequently asked interview questions for technical and engineering roles.



Our most popular podcasts have been about interview preparation, and we've done quite a few related to frequently asked interview questions. We wanted to dedicate a similar show to focus on frequently asked interview questions for technical and engineering roles.

Our guest for this show is Shane Bishop, a Senior Account Executive at Orion. Shane is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy and is a former Submarine Officer. His impressive military background, as well as his many years of experience with interview preparation, make him an expert on this topic. Shane gives insight on how to answer the following interview questions:

  • Why are you interested in an Engineering role?
  • What Technical / Engineering experience do you have?
  • How did you apply your technical skill set in your last position?
  • What special technical qualifications do you possess?