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About HSB

HSB is a leading specialty insurer that provides inspection services and engineering-based risk management that sets the standard for excellence worldwide.

HSB Inspection Services is the world's largest Authorized Inspection Agency accredited by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. We offer a wide range of engineering services in support of our partners and clients.

Our staff of over 900 commissioned field-based inspectors and engineer surveyors worldwide conducts over 420,000 jurisdictional inspections annually in US, Puerto Rico, Canada of in-service equipment.

HSB's occupancy and equipment specialists evaluate high risk occupancies and complex equipment risks including boilers, turbines, primary metals, power generation, chemical oil/gas, pulp/paper, semiconductor and renewable energy.

Global Inspection and Engineering Services:

Global Inspection and Engineering Services

HSB offers a wide range of inspection services for boilers, pressure vessels, nuclear components, and process and power plants.

Including inspection and engineering services to business and industry, and provides ASME Code, Pressure Equipment Directive (PED), International Codes and Third Party Inspection and Engineering services to companies throughout the Americas, Europe, and Asia.

HSB is the largest Authorized Inspection Agency (AIA) accredited by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME®).

Services Provided:

  • Documentation Development - HSB helps clients develop complete quality control manuals and procedures for their unique situations.
  • Subcontracting Services - We investigate the qualifications of clients' subcontractors to evaluate whether work performed meets client and ASME requirements.
  • Design Services - Our engineers provide design support for clients seeking to manufacture equipment that meets ASME Code.
  • Customized Training - HSB offers a variety of seminars to help clients use the ASME Codes and Standards effectively and competitively. We show clients how to apply the Code to an existing process, while minimizing impact on production.

Professional Loss Control:

Professional Loss Control

HSB Professional Loss Control (HSB PLC) is an international risk management consulting firm specializing in unbundled property loss control related services. HSB PLC provides independent, client-focused consulting services for hazard and risk identification, risk-analysis, protection system evaluations, and risk mitigation strategies. Our large and highly experienced team of experts provides solutions to clients worldwide for complex physical damage and business continuity issues.

HSB PLC offers a broad spectrum of services, including:

  • Property loss control surveys
  • Inspection testing
  • Hazard and risk evaluations
  • PML/MFL loss expectancy studies
  • Protection systems analysis and specification
  • Engineering consulting and training services
  • Loss control program development

WATCH: More Than an Insurance Company